Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., D’Elia V., Cook, C., Tan, T., Lawrie, D., Karch, M., & MacDonald S.E., (2024). “Mitigating Herpetological Road Mortality: A Case Study of How Citizen Science Motivated Municipal Cooperation”, in Strategies for Conservation Success in Herpetology, S.C. Walls and K. M. O’Donnell editors, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 357pp. https://store10270226.company.site/Volume-4-of-Herpetological-Conservation-Strategies-for-Conservation-Success-in-Herpetology-p677366704
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Van Alstyne, G., Mueller, M., Takayesu, R., D’Elia, V., Tan, T. & MacDonald S.E., (2024). Social media-based community science for turtle nest monitoring and conservation. FACETS. 9(): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2023-0044
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Dheer, A., Kaaria, T., Gilisho, S., Davidson, Z., & MacDonald, S.E., (2023). Teeth, tusks, and spikes: Repeated den sharing between predator and prey in an African Savanna, African Journal of Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/aje.13153
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Kaaria, T., Kinoti, J., Paul, A., Gilisho, S., Kobia, F., Onyango, R., Chege, G., Kimiti, D., Mwololo, M., Davidson, Z., & MacDonald, S.E. (2023).Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Communities Bordering a Savannah-Fenced Wildlife Conservancy, African Journal of Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/aje.13151
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., G. Van Alstyne, M. Mueller, R. Takayesu, V. D’Elia, and S.E. MacDonald. (2022). Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) nests in the Greater Toronto Area. Canadian Field-Naturalist 136(4): 374-380. https://doi.org/10.22621/cfn.v136i4.2995
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., S. Gillingwater, and S.J. Carstairs. (2022). Cases of freeze-dried freshwater turtles at the northern limit of their ranges in southern Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist 136: 309-315. https://doi.org/10.22621/cfn.v136i4.2959
Dupuis-Desormeaux, M., Lovich, J.E. & Gibbons, W. J. (2022). "Re-evaluating invasive species in degraded ecosystems: a case study of red-eared slider turtles as partial ecological analogs." Discover Sustainability3, 15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43621-022-00083-w
Carstairs S. J., Dutton, C. J., & Dupuis-Desormeaux, M. (2022). "Aural Abscesses in Wild Midland Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) Admitted to a Wildlife Hospital in Ontario, Canada, 2011–20," Journal of Wildlife Diseases 58(2), 389-393. https://doi.org/10.7589/JWD-D-21-00067
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Johnson, B., Moro, D., McDonald, K., Reid, T., Agnew, C., MacDonald, S. E., (2021), “A snapshot of the distribution and demographics of freshwater turtles along Toronto’s Lake Ontario coastal wetlands”, Journal of Great Lakes Research 47(2): 283-294. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2021.01.020
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., D’Elia V., Burns, R., White, B., & MacDonald S. E. (2019). “A Turtle Population Study in an Isolated Wetland Complex in Ontario Reveals a Few Surprises”, FACETS 4: 584–597. https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2019-0046.
Davidson Z.*, Dupuis-Désormeaux M.*, Dheer, A., Pratt, L., Gilicho, S., Mwololo, M., Preston, E., Chege, G., MacDonald, S. E., & Doncaster, P. (2019). "Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul: managing threatened predators of endangered and declining prey species", PeerJ 7:e7916. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.7916. *joint first-authors
Carstairs, S., Dupuis-Désormeaux M., & Davy, C. (2019). “Revisiting the Hypothesis of Sex-biased Turtle Road Mortality”, Canadian Field Naturalist 132(3) 289:295. https://doi.org/10.22621/cfn.v132i3.1908
Dupuis-Désormeaux M., Kaaria, T., Mwololo M., Davidson, Z., & MacDonald S.E. (2018). "A Ghost Fence-Gap: Wildlife Path Fidelity at a Fence Crossing after the Removal of the Perimeter Fence", PeerJ 6:e5950 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.5950
Dupuis-Désormeaux M., (2018) Biogeography. In: Vonk J., Shackelford T. (eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer, Cham
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Davy, C., Followes, E., Ramesbottom, A., Chreston, A., & MacDonald S.E. (2018). "Colonization and usage of an artificial urban wetland complex by various turtle species", PeerJ 6:e5423 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.5423
Dupuis-Désormeaux M., Sturdee, I., Johnston D., & Xamin, P. (2017). First record of Least Bittern nesting at Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto, Ontario, Ontario Birds, Vol. 35 (3): 142-146.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., D’Elia, V., Cook, C., Pearson, J., Adhikari, V., & MacDonald, S.E. (2017). “Remarkable Male Bias in a Population of Midland Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) at a Site with a History of Significant Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions in Ontario, Canada. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12:225–232.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., (2016). “Testing the Efficacy and Potential Consequences of Fencing as a Wildlife Management Tool”, Doctoral dissertation, supervisor Prof. Suzanne MacDonald, Departments of Psychology and Biology, York University.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Davidson, Z., Mwololo, M., Kisio, E., & MacDonald, S. E. (2016). "Usage of Specialized Fence-Gaps in a Black Rhinoceros Conservancy in Kenya." African Journal of Wildlife Research, Vol. 46 (1): 22-32, doi: 10.3957/056.046.0022
Dupuis-Désormeaux M., Davidson, Z., Pratt, L., Mwololo, M., & MacDonald, S. E. (2016). “Testing the Effects of Perimeter Fencing and Elephant Exclosures on Lion Predation Patterns in a Kenyan Wildlife Conservancy”. PeerJ 4:e1681 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.1681
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Davidson, Z., Mwololo, M., Kisio, E., & MacDonald, S. E. (2016). "Comparing Motion-Capture Cameras Versus Human Observer Monitoring of Mammal Movement through Fence Gaps: A Case Study from Kenya." African Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/aje.12277
Munscher, E., Butterfield, B., Carstairs, S., Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Munscher, J., Osborne, W. & Hauge, B. (2015). "The Turtle Head Immobilization System (THIS): A Tool for Faster and Safer Handling and Processing of Aggressive Turtle Species.” IRCF Reptiles & Amphibian 22(4):173-177
Dupuis-Désormeaux M., Davidson, Z., Mwololo, M., Kisio, E., Taylor, S., & MacDonald, S. E. (2015). “Testing the Prey-Trap Hypothesis at Two Wildlife Conservancies in Kenya”. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139537. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139537
Associate Editor
Herpetological Conservation Biology
African Journal of Ecology
Reviewer for these academic journals:
Chelonian Conservation and Biology
Conservation Science and Practice
Current Herpetology
European Journal of Wildlife Research
Herpetological Conservation Biology
Journal of Applied Ecology
Landscape Ecology
Refereed book review: Dupuis-Désormeaux, M. (2010). La classe créative selon Richard Florida, un paradigme urbain plausible? par Rémy Tremblay et Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay. Presses de l’Université du Québec, 258 p. ISBN 978-2-7605-2509-2, in Canadian Journal of Regional Science, CJRS (Online)/ RCSR (en ligne) ISSN: 1925-2218 Vol. 33 (1):169-175
Conference and other Public Presentations:
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., (August 2022), “The Discovery of New Populations of Pancake Tortoises in Three Protected Areas in Kenya”, oral presentation at the 20th Annual Symposium of the Turtle Survival Alliance, Tucson, AZ, USA.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M. (February 2020), "The discovery of a new population of pancake tortoises on a Black Rhino Conservancy in Kenya ", oral presentation at the 45th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council, Las Vegas, NV.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., (October 2019), "Toronto's Waterfront Turtles", presented at the Lake Ontario Evening on the re-establishment of reptiles in Toronto and Region, Toronto, ON.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., V. D'Elia, T. Tan, S.E. MacDonald (August 2019). "Overcoming Volunteer Fatigue: Citizen Science in turtle road Mortality and Nesting Monitoring", presented at the 17th Annual Symposium of the Turtle Survival Alliance, Tucson, AZ.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., V. D'Elia, T. Tan, S.E. MacDonald (September 2018), "Early Results of Mitigation Efforts to Curb Herpetofauna Mortality Along Heart Lake Road, Brampton, ON", paper presented at the Herpetofauna and Roads Workshop of the Canadian Herpetological Society, Kamloops, BC.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., V. D'Elia, D. Moro, S.E. MacDonald (August 2018), "Tracking Turtles in Toronto: Comparing Watershed to Waterfront Wetlands", paper presented at the 16th Annual Symposium of the Turtle Survival Alliance, Fort Worth, TX.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., (November 2017), “Colonization of Tommy Thompson Park by Various Turtle Species”, Toronto & Region Remedial Action Plan Science Seminar, Toronto, ON.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., V. D’Elia, C. Cook, M. Karch, S.E. MacDonald (August 2017), “Blood Along Heart Lake Road: Mortality Surveys and Mitigation”. Paper presented at the Turtle Survival Alliance Conference 2017, Charleston, SC.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., E. Followes, A. Ramesbottom, A.Chreston, A. Lathrop, S.E. MacDonald (August 2017). “Colonization of an Artificial Wetland Complex by Various Turtle Species”. Paper presented at the Turtle Survival Alliance Conference 2017, Charleston, SC.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M. (September 2016). “Characterization of the turtle population in various created wetlands at Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto, Ontario”. Paper presented at the Canadian Herpetological Society Conference 2016, Toronto, ON.
Carstairs, S.J., Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Davy, C.M. (September 2016). “Sex matters not: Roads are an equal-opportunity threat to turtles”, Paper presented at the Canadian Herpetological Society Conference 2016, Toronto, ON.
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M. (August 2016),“Road ecology and freshwater turtle protection: case study from Toronto, Ontario, Canada”, presented at the Turtle Survival Alliance Conference 2016, New Orleans, LA. (Poster)
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., Davidson, Z, Mwololo, M. and MacDonald, S.E. (August 2014). “Do purpose-built migration fence gaps create prey-traps? A case study from a Kenyan conservancy”, Animal Behavior Society Conference 2014, Princeton NJ. (Poster)
Dupuis-Désormeaux, M., & MacDonald, S. E. (August, 2011). “Exploring Behaviour Through Advances in Telemetry: the Case of the Urban Raccoon”. Paper presented as part of the Division 6 Symposium: Exploring the Self-Worlds of Nonhuman Animals via Advances in Biotelemetry Technology. Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
MacDonald, S.E. and Dupuis-Désormeaux, M. (March, 2010). “Adventures in comparative cognition: training wild elephants in northern Kenya”. Paper presented at the annual Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, Florida.
Selected Workshops and Conferences attended:
Toronto Remedial Action Plan Symposium 2017, Toronto, ON