Courses-York University, Glendon Campus BIOL 3001 (EN)- Behavioural Ecology. Winter 2020, Winter 2021, Winter 2022, Winter 2023 Using an ethological approach, this course examines the mechanistic and evolutionary causes of animal behaviour, including social behaviour (competition, cooperation), communication, foraging, anti-predator behaviour, habitat selection, reproduction and mating systems, and parental care.
BIOL 2300 (EN)- General Ecology. Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022 This three credit course is an introduction to the scientific study of relationships between organisms and their physical and biological environments. General ecological and evolutionary principles will be used to interpret patterns in the distribution, abundance, and characteristics of organisms in space and time.
BIOL 3000 (FR)- Ecological Survey Methods - Summer 2021 Get your hands dirty! This three credit field course focuses on various ecological survey methods, including: plant, insect and birds.
NATS 1200 (FR)- La vie Sauvage de Toronto. Full Year 2019-April 2020 , Full Year 2021-2022 This is a six credit general knowledge course that I developed that is intended for students not studying sciences. It comprises of field trips, lectures and case studies. The course examines the urban wildlife of the Greater Toronto Area, including delving into ecosystem services, the value of ravines, parks, brownfield sites, restoration ecology, habitat creation and conservation. GL BIOL 1000 (FR)- Introduction à la Biologie. Sept 2018-April 2019 This is a six credit full year course covering everything from cell biology, evolution to ecology. It's taught in French.
Invited Lectures and Presentations:
Guest Lecturer: Amplifying the Signal: Science Communication: Turning Science into Outcomes, AGSBS Symposium, York University, April 2019.
Guest Lecturer: Empirical Conservation Biology - Examples from the Field (GL BIOL 2310-Fundamentals of Conservation Biology), November 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.
Guest Lecturer: Ecological Monitoring in an Urban System, Ontario Universities Program in Field Biology (GL BIOL 3000), Toronto, ON, May 2018.
Guest Lecturer: “Migration, Orientation and Navigation in the Animal World”, PSYC 3280 (Animal Behaviour), Department of Psychology, York University, November 2017.
Guest Lecturer: “Human-Wildlife Conflicts”, ENVS 4446 Protected Area Management, York University, Toronto, ON, July 2017.
Guest Lecturer: Ecological Monitoring in an Urban System, Ontario Universities Program in Field Biology, Toronto, ON, May 2017.
Invited Presenter: “Wildlife conservation and community engagement in Kenya”, presentation given at the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s Annual Professional Development Day, Toronto, ON, September 2016.
Guest Lecturer: “Do purpose-made migratory corridors create prey-traps? A case study in Kenya”, NATS-1500, Department of Biology, York University, October 2014.
Guest Lecturer: “Habitat Selection, Territoriality and Migration”, PSYC 3280 (Animal Behaviour), Department of Psychology, York University, November 2013.
Invited Presenter: “Fencing, Corridors and Animal Migration: the Importance of Connectivity to Wildlife Conservation”, the Toronto Zoo, September 2013.
Invited Presenter: “Do Gaps in Fences Create Prey-Traps? A Case Study from Kenya”, Graduate Student Seminar Series, Department of Biology, York University, September 2013.
Guest Lecturer: “Migration, Orientation and Navigation in the Animal World”, PSYC 3280 (Animal Behavior), Department of Psychology, York University, October 2012.
Invited Presenter: “Movement Patterns of the Urban Raccoon: Do Roads Act as Hard Barriers?”, Graduate Student Seminar Series, Department of Biology, York University, September 2011.
Invited Presenter: “Human-Wildlife Conflicts” for the seminar course EVNS 5100, Prof. R. De Costa, York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies, September 2010.
Invited Presenter: “Elephant Attractants as Conservation Management Tools” at the FES Second Annual Student Research Day, York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies, April 2010.